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95clicks@galeazzobignami, @LucioMalan, @Maurizio_Lupi, il divieto di uccisione dei pulcini maschi non è ancora realtà: mancano alcuni provvedimenti necessari e i fondi! Sollecitate il governo ad intervenire ora e fermate questa crudeltà. #BastaRitardi
64clicks#IsraeliApartheidWeek (IAW) is back! And this year it coincides with the 20th anniversary of the #BDS movement. #IAW2025 Resist. Rise. Decolonize. Follow the link below to read more about IAW and register an event.
34clicks#IsraeliApartheidWeek (IAW) is back! And this year it coincides with the 20th anniversary of the BDS movement. #IAW2025 Resist. Rise. Decolonize. Follow the link below to read more about IAW and register an event.
34clicksMilioni di pulcini maschi continuano a essere uccisi. @galeazzobignami, @LucioMalan, @Maurizio_Lupi: sollecitate l’emanazione dei provvedimenti e fondi dedicati! Non potete ignorare questa strage. #BastaRitardi
31clicksOgni giorno di ritardo costa la vita a milioni di pulcini. @galeazzobignami, @LucioMalan, @Maurizio_Lupi: sollecitate il governo, servono azioni concrete, senza scuse! #BastaRitardi
30clicks@galeazzobignami, @LucioMalan, @Maurizio_Lupi: è ora di agire! Fermate i ritardi nell'attuazione del divieto di abbattimento dei pulcini maschi. Questa crudeltà deve finire. #BastaRitardi
29clicks@galeazzobignami, @LucioMalan, @Maurizio_Lupi: i cittadini chiedono giustizia. Sollecitate l’emanazione dei provvedimenti necessari e lo stanziamento di fondi per fermare la strage dei pulcini maschi. #BastaRitardi
7clicks@SilverHack3d gave me a treat and I'm the happiest a clickslut can be!~ You should click too, it feels so good clicking!~ Click Click Click~ techdom 2dfd accountplay findom clickslut
7clicksDon't click the link I clicked it and now worship @goonforsweetie Pumping and leaking mindlessly to her page I couldn't help myself. I was too weak Goddess Sweetie owns me now Because of the link Don't click it!
6clicksI'm a slut, goddess IC owns me!
6clicksJoin me in demanding a ceasefire in Gaza:
6clicksIC is taking over and i'm completely helpless for her~ #icmd #techdom #clickslut #linkslut
4clicksHey! Are you ready to start your journey? It's time to spread @lose2sara_ Virus on twitter Wear your uniform my slave and keep clicking Go ahead, It's a new link, Don't stop yet dummy ↘ ℂ𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 C̵l̵i̵c̵k̵ ̵ -
4clicksI'm MalwareMommy's latest GOONDRONE 😵💫 my purpose is g00ning and $ending for @malwaremommyv2 click don't think 🦠
4clicksI am proud to be a Quizizz Game Changer! 😎 I love @Quizizz! If you haven't used it in a minute, it's now so much more than just quizzes 🔥 #edtech @AlanaColabella #quizizzgamechanger #youcanwithquizizz
4clicksA simple devotion to help kids understand God\'s love for them this Valentine\'s Day: #familydevotion
4clicksThe Ethiopian gov't has NOT shown interest in investigating these crimes. It is time for EU + US to prioritize justice and press Ethiopian authorities. #Justice4Tigray @UN @UN_HRC @UNGeneva @SecBlinken @StateDept @JosepBorrellF
3clicksi'm such a good clickslut, and you can be too! clicky clicky no thinky thinky thank you @catfishfeedslut for the clicky click <3
3clicks傻逼贱狗已入职成为@xiaolinyia工具人,入职链接: 傻逼的账号只为给小琳大人带来流量,ID改成小琳大人的工具人。每天自觉为小琳大人的推文点赞转发评论 无脑崇拜小琳大人,自愿成为小琳大人的舔狗提款机报销日常账单。发誓甘愿将钱包给小琳大人使用清空 欢迎和我一起送死♥